

... and this is why my life is so weird.

I went to the shed to get my bike one day and this was there. Poof, just like that. Out of the no-where.

I had to pause. You would have had to pause too... this is the size of my head. This is a wasps nest from another dimension....

I was ONLY trying to build light... I don't know how this got here except that I'm suspect of my calculations and perhaps I left that coffee pot on...

Oh well...
If the snow comes and it freezes... then I'll have to ebay it...?!
CrystalAlienWaspSkull, opening bid $.99
Multi.Dimension.Activation... optional.... ;)

Eddie Izzard- Death Star Canteen


Unknown said...

OMG!!!!!!! To Friggin Funny! Love it! LOL!

IzzyGumbo said...

lol!!! Thanks Alette! I love this video too and I appreciate your visit! Hugs!

. said...

did you get the nest out, and ebay the thing?

about the video...so funny...thank you for sharing it
